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Fatherhood is man's highest achievement, combining roles of prophet, priest and king. Vaderschap is de hoogste roeping van de man, waarin hij de rol vervuld van profeet, priester en koning.

Dit boek is niet in het Nederlands verkrijgbaar.

€ 5,00


Fatherhood, in a certain sense, is the most God-like quality a man can reproduce. A good father will imitate the three main ministries of Christ - as a priest, prophet and king.

As a priest, the father represents his family to God. As a prophet, he represents God to his family. And as a king, he governs his family on behalf of God.

All fatherhood in the universe ultimately goes back to the fatherhood of God. Since the eternal character and nature of God is that of Father, it follows that every father in a certain sense represents God.

Are fathers today willing to accept responsibility for their families? The decision of the fathers will determine the destiny of the nation!

paperback: A5, 50 pagina's

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