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The harvest just ahead

Are you asking, How can I become effective as a result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in my life? The answer: by linking up with God's purpose. Vraag je je wel eens af hoe je als christen een effectief leven kunt leiden, geleid door de Heilige Geest? Het antwoord is simpel: Door je te verbinden met God's doel.

Dit boek is niet in het Nederlands verkrijgbaar.

€ 5,00


In this booklet, Derek Prince issues one of the most compelling calls ever heard for workers in the end time harvest.

Derek asks:

"What about you: what does life mean to you? What are you living for? What place does Jesus Christ have in your life? Are you asking, How can I become effective as a result of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in my life? The answer: by linking up with God's purpose."

Derek Prince says the harvest is right at the door, and God is going to need workers by the hundreds to cast in the sickle of His Word and reap. The time has come to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.

Paperback: 38 pagina's

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